When it comes to customer questions and concerns, one of the main areas that comes up about the garage doors of homeowners is the ins and outs of their garage door springs. The reason for this is the fact that the garage door springs are one of the most important parts of the garage door, and they also must withstand some of the most pressure and are constantly subject to large amounts of wear and tear. If your door is unbalanced in any way, or if you experience any problems opening or closing it, there’s a good chance the reason for that is due to the garage door springs. The second you notice such an issue, get on the phone right away and call the experts here at Garage Door in My Area. We will perform an entire system check on your garage door, including all the moving parts, which total over two dozen. Don’t let a seemingly insignificant minor thing turn into a major, insurmountable problem. If you think you need to fix your garage door spring, give us a call today. 

Your Garage Door’s Powerlifter

Garage door springs are the parts responsible for holding the heavy weight of your garage door, keeping it in place, making sure it stays balanced and smoothly opening and closing every time. The garage door springs are put under tremendous pressure every single time you open and close your door. The minimum weight of a modern garage door is at least 150 pounds, and some doors can weigh over 400 pounds. This is a lot to lift for such small parts. Think of it as running one mile, every time the springs hold your door properly in place as it goes up and down. Sooner or later, your garage door springs won’t be able to lift that heavyweight any longer. Some doors have only one spring, while larger doors will have multiple garage door springs. It all depends on the model, how old your garage door system is, how much traffic you have going in and out and how many times you open and close your door every day, and so on.  But eventually, your garage door springs will have run too many miles, and it will give out and need to be replaced. It’s important to teach young children to respect the garage door opener system and never treat it as a toy. Not only does the needless opening and closing of garage doors reduce their lifespan, but could cause injuries to unsupervised children who want to play games with it.

Don’t Put Off Scheduling Garage Door Spring Repair!

As soon as you notice that you are in need of garage door spring repair, don’t wait another minute. Once a garage door spring is broken, it presents major safety hazards and concerns. If you notice you have broken garage door springs, do not attempt to operate the door at all, and keep children and pets away from the door at all times until it is properly repaired. Attempting to open or close a garage door with broken or faulty springs can and will cause major damage or even injury. At best, you could just end up with a broken panel that will also need replacing. At worst, you or a family member could get hurt under a falling door. We highly recommend against trying to fix the problem without a professional, even for the most experienced and seasoned do-it-yourself types. You need the services of experienced garage door professionals with the expertise to get the job done the right way. Once you identify the need for garage door spring repair, call us immediately to ensure the safety and security of your home and everyone in it.

Garage Door Spring Repair in SoCal That You Can Trust

Call us at Garage Door in My Area today to immediately schedule a garage door spring repair service when you notice any kind of problem. We have years of experience providing high-quality service to the residents and homeowners in Southern California. We will perform industry-standard diagnostics on every intricate part and component of your garage door system because it might be more of an issue than just the springs. If you have any kind of concerns about the long term functionality of your garage door springs or any of the other components, ask about our periodic tune-ups, safety checks, and maintenance programs. You can rest assured that your garage door spring repair cost will be fair and affordable. You can never be too careful or mindful when it comes to such an important part of your home as your garage door.