No matter where you live, your home and its architectural style are bound to be influenced by how the rest of the buildings in the neighborhood look. Most people try to fit in because it brings them many benefits. You would normally also prefer that the various outer aspects of your home match each other, and this includes the garage door. However, in newer homes, you will generally notice that the builders have also paid attention to the dimensions of the garage door – or not, actually – you only notice how many older homes usually have garages that do not easily fit a modern SUV or truck.

This is explained by the fact that back in the time these were built, the average car did not go over 11 feet or so in length, and there was mostly one car per household. These days, single-car garages are a rarity, and the average car stretches to 15 feet lengthwise. Adding to that, garages of today also house sports equipment, power tools, and other valuables.

Best Dimensions for a Single-Car Garage Door

With cars and garages having grown in size over the decades, it is only proper that garage doors keep pace in that regard. Single-car garage doors generally come in the sizes listed below.

  • 8 x 7: You can typically get these as replacements for older garage doors.
  • 9 x 7: The most commonly found size among single-car garage doors, this does let in a small truck, van, or SUV, although you would have to deal with a tight fit.
  • 10 x 7: A modern family’s vehicle normally demands a garage door of these dimensions. Not only does it give maneuvering room so you can fit your vehicle inside, you would also have enough space to bring out lawn mower, garbage bin, or bike when the main ride is parked inside.

Single-car garages are rare these days, except in inner-city neighborhoods. Over half of new homes come with garages that can park two vehicles or more. Two-car garage doors come in standard widths of 12, 14, and 16 feet. A bigger garage for three cars would either have one double door along with a single door, or just three single doors. This eliminates the need to open up the whole garage each time a vehicle needs to get in or out.

For Oversized Vehicles

Suppose you have an RV, and you currently are not spending time on it. To park it in your home, you would need the garage door to be both high and wide enough. RVs take up a lot of headroom, and this is usually more than the typical seven-foot-high garage door offers. You would need a door at least 8 feet high and 16 feet wide to ensure the RV got in and out without hitting anything and necessitating garage door repairs. Commercial garage doors do not have this problem, because they are generally much bigger and intended to let in semi-trucks and such. Standard commercial garage doors are 32 feet wide and 24 feet tall.

Special Requirements

Any special requirements you may have with regard to the garage and the vehicles parked in it need to be taken into account when getting a garage door. You can go in for a custom option that gets you the exact dimensions you require, as well as lasting durability and significant curb appeal. The expert setting this up would be tasked with ensuring appropriate size and power so that your garage door operates optimally.

Withstanding Wind

Many areas in the country experience frequent strong winds, which often cause garage door failures in thousands of homes. The fact that these hold up a large surface for the wind to hit is significant here. These garage doors are also exposed to fast-flying debris as well as exterior pressure buildup. Studies have shown that hurricanes cause more damage to larger doors. Furthermore, if your garage and home are attached, garage door failure can let in wind and water, which can then freely attack the interior.

Hurricane pressure can have the following effects on a garage door.

  • A suction that makes the door buckle under an outward pull.
  • A suction that makes the door buckle under an inward pull.
  • Damage to supporting components, which can lead to the door collapsing.
  • Windows in the garage door blowing out and letting in wind, water, and pressure.

Coastal communities usually have building codes that mandate reinforcing your garage door against high pressures, high winds, and flying debris. Any of these can appear at the time of a hurricane. If you live in one of these areas and want a new garage door for your home, make sure that it gets designed with an eye on wind resistance. As part of garage door repair, you can even reinforce an existing garage door to make it more sturdy.